
A very warm welcome and an invitation to engage socially with our stories at www.pastconnect.netView Stories

We all have interesting personal experiences and stories to relate. Episodes and incidents from our past that have stayed with us because they were special or the ones we heard  from our parents and grandparents.  We inherit family histories.

And, all of us love to tell and share our stories with friends and relatives. It only takes  a few  hours to write a short episode down. While we write we relive happy moments while writing also acts as catharsis to not so happy incidents.  
The Blog is an easy medium to share and preserve  memories. 

www.pastconnect.net allows you to write and publish your stories and share them with a wide reading group. You also get an opportunity to hear from and interact with them. Even better,  your stories get archived for posterity. You can invite your friends and relatives to read them any time. 

Write your stories and send them to us with pictures and we will publish them for you, and also add interesting historical facts and annotations where required to further enrich the experience of reading them and appreciating the contexts.       The stories simply need to be authentic.

We will share the final draft and get your approval before putting them out online.

                                     Click here to continue......to stories